While on pinterest, I have found some new foods that I am going to make sometime this week. I am on hardcore lose weight mode after I gained 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I think it might have to do with the Mexican food and all those top shelf margaritas I have been drinking every Wednesday for the last month and a half.
Anywho, I have cutout all sugar from my diet (goodbye Keebler rainbow chips deluxe and twix), am trying to cut back on my carb intake for right now, and cutting down my salt intake. I am also going to the gym five days a week. That was my quick rant of today but here are some of the foods that I am making this week and will probably post pictures of after I make them.

Loaded Cauliflower
I am addicted to loaded mash potatoes. I though I would try these since I have heard people (including my sister who is a vegan now) say that cauliflower is a really goo replacement for potatoes since you still get the fullness you would get with the actual ones.

White Queso Dip
I know that this is not the healthiest thing but I already made this once before and it is so good. All it is White American Cheese, diced jalapenos, and heavy cream. The important thing to remember about this though is to make sure to use the same brand of cheese throughout (I used Cabot the first time then I used cheese from the deli another time). If you do not then it will get super oil and clump together.

Tomato & Cucumber Salad
This is super easy to make and all you really need are tomatoes, cucumbers, extra virgin olive oil and seasoning. I actually am going to add feta cheese in it.

Zucchini cups
I will probably do these with bell peppers since that is what I have at home right now but these look really yummy. I might try doing the zucchini, not sure yet though.
I will eventually start eating sugar every now and then (which if you see my boards on pinterest, you see that is a majority of my food pins). That's it for now, everyone enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Laters......