May 16, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday

Happy Thursday, all!!! This is going to be a short and sweet post. As usual, I am super busy. I still have to finish my last three projects for my one class so I can turn them in before the Summer season starts. Right now I have an I in the class until I turn in the rest of my work. I also have to turn in my graduation paperwork to Graduate this summer. I am a walking mess as of late so I am just rolling with the punches. Until next week, here are some thoughts for today

Peace & Blessing! Have a great Thursday everyone.

May 9, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday

     Happy May and Thursday!!! Life happened again. Got busy with my final semester of Graduate School: one class left, turning in all my graduation paperwork & then I'm done. Been feeling blah thanks to living in the land of pollen. Something big did happen: I broke down and bought a car. I've had my car for sixteen years (I bought it in college and it the only car that I've ever owned up until 2 & a half weeks ago). I like it but it's a big adjustment going from not having a car payment to having one now.

Other than that, I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to do now since I'm done with school again. There is definitely going to be time for writing again. Some time for reading and trying some of the recipes in all the books I bought recently also.  All this going to start next week once I stop slacking and finish my final class projects. Until then, here are some thoughts for this Thursday

Since, it's been forever since the last time I posted, I have a good amount of post to put up so everyone be on the lookout for that. Until then, Peace & Blessings, all!!!