Happy New Year everyone!!! Or as some people are saying: we are back in the roaring 20s again (without the prohibition era, of course). I took of the week of Christmas to think about the goals I had for 2019 & what I wanted to set for 2020. Looking back at the last 10 years, there were a number of things that I wanted to do but never happened. 2020 is going to be the start of getting some of that going.
In 2020, I have set three big goals along with little ones to help me achieve those. The three areas are still the same but the goals are a bit different since a great deal has changed since January of 2019. Here are my goal for 2020 along with life updates from over the past year.
In 2020, I still am focusing on my mental & physical health. I did find and engage in more activities that helped with my brain fog, focus, flexibility, & strength. For the last three and a half years, I have been meditating. I also started stretching at least once a day. This has help with the LBP (low back pain) & some other issues I was having. Along, with stretching, I started going back working out regular again. Usually I do four to five days a week just depending on how I feel. I do about 10 to 15 minutes of cardio, 30-45 minutes of weight, & 10 to 15 minutes stretching. It has been helping with making me feel more alert in the mornings.
Figured out what was going on with my allergies from the test I had last year as well. I looked all, the foods on the list and found a common denominator: most of these are grown in areas with pollen. My main allergy that I have is with pollen. Now that I figured it out a bit, I make sure to wash all my fruits, vegetables, & pasta before eating it. This has helped a great bit. I still eat rice & chocolate some but not as much as I used to. Lately, I've been super into blueberries & blackberries so there should be some recipes with those in the future.
I'm still listening to a lot of podcast. The variety has changed a bit but, I've gotten a lot of great information from some of them. I'll be sharing some of my favorite ones at some point. The topics of nutrition, physical activity, & mental productivity are still going to be seen more on the blog. Especially now, there is so much happening in these three areas. Being the information buff/I like knowing what is happening, I feel like this is my space where I can guide people towards bettering their health. Many people are under-informed or have no clue about the resources available. One of the positive things from 2019: now I have the time to put more energy into the blog, putting out what I see & find in the health area.
I ended up having to get another car in 2019, which took a bit out of my savings account. I also had to pay twice for the class I needed to graduate last month. I had been saving good amount each month when I had a job. Now I'm not eating out as much or spending money on random things. One thing I'm trying to do is anytime I want to buy something that's not a need I take the money & put it in one of my savings account.
While I'm looking for a job, I now have time to dig into all the finance books I have. When I had more focus (which seems like forever ago), I use to track what I was spending in a notebook. I'm going to talk about the easy ways to track your spending & keeping tabs on your accounts.
Personal Growth
Last year was a fail for reading for leisure. So, this year I'm going to try again with the trying to read a book a week for the 52 weeks of 2020. I have read two so far. I will do a wrap-up of what I read for that month at the end of the month. I'm also going to post each week what book I'm reading on Instagram. Today, I'm going to post the first two since I haven't done that yet. I am going to try to catch up.
I also did finish my CPT course. I'm also taking a course on becoming certified in Reiki. There's a bunch of things I want to do this year including travel, go to some seminars or retreats, & learn some new skills. I always pick to many things so if I at least accomplish three to four of them, I consider that a success. I'm also trying to get my Wellness & Nutrition business off the ground which plays into the blogging & social media thing. I'M NOT GREAT AT IT!!!! So, I'm going try to do better by doing a blog post at least three times s week & post on social media about the same. We'll see if that will happen.
Oh, & since I'm on the word that I want to describe my 2020 train, my word is
Present. I'm always on the go & always feel like I need to be doing something. This year, I want to be able to enjoy the little things & not feel like I have to go somewhere or doing something every second of the day. I want to be in the moment & not over think everything (which I do alot).
I would love to know if anyone else is picking a word for 2020 or has set resolutions for the year.
Everyone have a great Wednesday. Peace & Blessings, all!!!