Oct 27, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday

Happy Thursday!!! It would be better if I didn't have a large little case of whiplash happening from my car accident. Let's just say its not fun at all. The only plus of this week is that I'm finally catching up on some of  the task that I needed to do/that I have been putting off. 
Here are some thoughts for this warm summer Fall day:

Have a great, positive day!!!

Peace and Blessing all!

Oct 25, 2016

Fitness Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, people!!! This is going to be a super short post. Since I'm swamp (as usual), here are some at home exercises to try:

Peace and Blessings, all!!!!

Oct 21, 2016

Weekend Reads

It's the weekend, finallly!!!! It's kinda sad for me in that my bf is going out of town for a month for work. The plus in the situation is that I will be able to catch up on my reading and other things that I have been putting off. Here are some articles from this week I suggest reading:

I am definitely going to try to enjoy this weekend since its suppose to actually feel like fall a little bit. Other than that I am going to relax and maybe cook/bake something yummy. 
I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Peace and Blessings, all!!!

Oct 20, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday

This last week has been a lot crazy. I was going to start blogging regularly then, I got into a little actually, very large car accident. I've been trying to recover but since I have school, 2 jobs, and and internship that isn't happening anytime soon. Here are some thoughts for today from Pinterest:

My accident has helped me put my life in perspective a great bit in a good way. Everyone have a great Thursday and enjoy being alive today.

Peace and Blessing, all!!!

Oct 13, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday

Life has been super busy as of late, I haven't had time to really write anything or take any pictures outside of school and work. Here are some thoughts for this Thursday:




Have a great productive Thursday.

Peace and blessings, all.

Oct 6, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday

Am I the only one who finds it hard to believe that it's fall, still warm out (it's in the high 80s here down South), and that it's October?? I've been trying to figure out where the year has gone. I feel like I'm kinda starting to get a hold of balancing everything again. Here are some quotes today because we all need could use encouragement every once in a while:

Peace and Blessing all...

Oct 4, 2016

Fitness Tuesday: October Health Challenges

 One of the things that I am trying to do to get some balance back into my life is monthly challenges.
With the new season here (YAY FALL!!!) some companies are doing challenges to get people healthy mentally and physically for October. Here are a few challenges that are happening this month:

Tone It Up 31 Day Challenge
If anyone thinks these two look familiar, its' because they had a show on Bravo (before it became overran with the Real housewives franchise) a few years ago named after their company. Its' free to join the challenge but you will have to pay if you want their meal plan for the month. Lucky for me, I have enough light cooking cookbooks (that I bought at a discount, I might add) and weight loss recipes to last me the 31 days.
They also give you certain exercises to do called 5 daily moves along with some of their past videos to workout to. So far, I actually feel better than I did this time last week which is always a great plus.


30-Day Yoga Challenge
The Chopra Center always has great information whether it's pertaining to mental or physical fitness. This month, they are doing a daily yoga challenge. Their yoga challenge is different in that it focuses on the mental and physical aspects of yoga. One day you are doing the physical part of yoga and the next you are working on your breathing or appreciating silence.
I choose this one over some of the other ones I saw due to it being more well-rounded. It is trying to show how the practice of yoga is not just about the moves but much more.

Mala Collective 30 day Mediation Challenge
Earlier this year, Mala Collective held a week long mediation challenge that I did. I did get some clarity on some things that were going on/ happening/that I was let happening to me in my life. I have been mediating now for almost 6 months now and it has done WONDERS for me.

I am going to try to get back into post recipes on the regular again (and there are some good ones) as well as some other health related items.

I hope everyone challenges themselves this month and has a wonderful Tuesday!!!
Peace and Blessings all...

Oct 3, 2016

Meatless Recipes

It seems like forever since I blogged last (actually its' been about 2 weeks). I was having one of those struggles that I usually have a couple of  times a year with my blogging. I'm going to try something different for the next couple of weeks to see how it works out.

One of the things that I am missing with my busy schedule is cooking. In the last 2 months, my diet has taken a nosedive. I can tell that it's finally affecting me through my energy during the day. I'm taking part in a few challenges this month, which I'm going to share with you tomorrow. The first step towards my nutrition overhaul is my diet. Cutting back on the amount of meat that I eat is one of the major areas I'm working on (besides sugar and white carbs).

Here are a few Vegetarian recipes from one of my favorite cooking resources Food & Wine magazine:

Fresh and Juicy Veggie Burgers
I have been trying to find an alternative to your usual hamburger. This is one seems like a great option.

Quinoa Balls with Cauliflower and Cheese

I have been wanting to make quinoa balls for a while. I saw this recipe and have to make it. I might add broccoli into the mix with the cauliflower.

During the fall, pot pie is one of my favorite items to eat. This is a good swap for those who like pot pie and want to try something different.

I am going to try making this with another type of cheese as well (probably mozzarella).
I'm still in the process of finally using cheese the kit my friend gave me around my birthday so I might make my own to try with this.

Have a great start to you week.

Peace and Blessings, all....