Feb 20, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday

I have been super slacker Navy her lately. On the plus side, the week is almost over. Yay!!!! Other than that it feels like Spring here in Alabama which is not fun when you are hiking across campus with three to four books and notebook. Anywho, here are some thoughts for this Thursday courtesy of Pinterest (some of these pertain to some of the things going on in my life in the last three months):
It's called simply being a grown up!!
eternally classic
The lesson is - you can't control others insecurities, it has NOTHING to do with you. You can't even "assist" them with their demons

 Haha... Oh you, Mr. Twain!
One woman was apparently put on earth to teach me this lesson THE HARD WAY.  She's been a bee in my bonnet for 2 years now.  My response: what goes around comes around-you'll get yours, doll.  The powers that be will take care of me!!
There is going to be a post about some of the food I have been making in my Food Service Operations class soon (oh, the life of a Nutrition major). Now off to the gym and to study for all my this I have in the next week. Until next time, laters....

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