Aug 25, 2021

August Monthly goals

         I can't believe that August (and Summer) are almost over. It seems like yesterday it was Memorial Day and now it is near the end of August. The last month or so I have forgotten (or was too busy) to post my monthly goal. Between July and August, I've combined my goals. Some of those goals will rollover into my September ones. Here were my goals for this month:

Focus on things I enjoy
I have been trying to take up hobbies again. I feel like all I've been doing is sitting around, watching bad reality TV shows. So far, I have bee doing my French lessons everyday, trying to get back into finishing some of the course that I signed up for in particular my CPT course (since I paid for it 2 + years ago). 

Catch up on reading
Anyone that follows me on IG has seen the stack of books that I've been trying to get through since Spring of 2020. I have made a dent in the stack but I keep getting new books. The goal is to finish the stack that I have before I add anything new. I have 3 more left to finish before the end of the month. Wish me luck!

Try new, healthier recipes
I've been trying to eat better. It has been tough due to living with a person who eats out non-stop. The rest of this month/into September, I'm going to try to use some of my low-calorie recipes from some of my cookbooks (I'll be sharing a cookie recipe next week). Part of the reason I'm doing this is for health, the other is so that all the food that I buy will not go to waste.

Create budget
A few years ago, I was really good at keeping and making a budget. About the last year (end of 2019 to be exact) until now my budget has been non-exist which not good. I originally used to keep a notebook and spreadsheet. I'm going to try to find a better way to keep it (and where it won't cost me a bunch of money).

So, those were my goals for August. In the process of trying to finish some of them (the reading one in particular). Probably at the beginning of September, which is next Wednesday (super crazy Fall is about to be here) I'll post the goals for that month. With August though: Better late, than never. Some of these may be continued in September (like making a budget). We'll see what happens the rest of this week before I write the list for next week.

Until then, Peace & Blessings, all!

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