Nov 2, 2015

Williams-Sonoma finds

On Sunday (which was yesterday) I went to Williams-Sonoma for one of the cooking technique classes they teach. Now, if you have never been to one they are super informative plus they give you great ideas on entertaining and ways to present/cook food.

This month is all about Thanksgiving since it is just around the corner now. Classes are held every Sunday and they tend to cover a large topic that is broken down into subtopics as seen on the site here.

They had some great products that were used in the class. I bought one of them and will go back to get some of the other ones before Thanksgiving. Here were the three main products were used today:

This was served over Brie. The woman instructing the class actually gave a great idea on how to serve this a few different ways (which I will post about later).

With this cocktail mix, you can make it a virgin Toddy (with no alcohol) or add whiskey of brandy. In the class it was a virgin one. I ended up buying this so I will probably do a review on it with the alcohol in it.

This was placed over a half of Brie with chopped pear on it. It was good but on the label it does not list all the nuts included (pecans were in it). I think I might try my had at making some with peanuts and cashews. 

 There are two great things about attending the classes that they have: they are free to attend and you get 10% off any purchase made that day. The sales associate informed us that included items that were already on sale so the 10% was in addition to whatever discount was already given. 

Has anyone else attended the technique classes at Williams-Sonoma or another store and what did you think of the class?

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