Dec 5, 2017

Fitness Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, all!!! I can't believe that December is not only here but in less than 4 weeks, that it will be 2018. This last part of the year has gone by so fast, its ridiculous. Since it is getting cooler down here in the South, it is time for one of my favorite things: Soup.
I know that everyone makes soups using all different kind methods (crock pots, stove cooktop, microwave, and so on). In the next few weeks, I am going to try making these in the next few weeks. I found most these on Eating Well, which is one of my favorite website for healthy food recipes. Here are a few of my favorites:

Smoked Gouda-Broccoli Soup

Egg Drop Soup with Vegetables

Easy Butternut Squash Soup

Slow-cooker vegetable soup

Many of these are healthy and great options if you trying to add vegetables into your diet. Soup is also great for weight loss/maintaining. I would love to hear what soups you all like or what soup you love in colder months.

Peace & blessings, all!! Have a great Tuesday!

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