Is any glad that it is starting to feel like Fall at least if it's only for a day or two?? I guess rain & a cold front will do that to sometimes. With the change of seasons I usually try to change my eating as well. I've decided (along with one of my co-worker's) to do a one day detox. The main thing about the detox is that I'm not eating any meat.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult should have 5 1/2 oz of proteins a day in their date. In terms of meat this means it should be no more than 3oz. Most people only focus on meat as protein sources. Good protein substitutes include seeds, beans, legumes, tofu, peas, soy products, & unsalted nuts.
Starting today on Mondays, I'm going to start posting meatless recipes that I find along with some that I make. Some of them are going to be easier to make than others but, it's all in the name of better health. Here are a meatless recipes I found on Cooking Light:
Tomorrow, I'm going to share a few of the health benefits of cutting out meat even if it's one day a week. Also, I'm going to give some options/suggests on the types of meat that is best to eat health-wise.
Peace & Blessings all & have a great start to your week!!!
Peace & Blessings all & have a great start to your week!!!
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