Sep 27, 2021

Fall Soups

      And just like that, it's officially Fall. Oh, and life happened, as usual. Anywho, with it finally being Fall, I can start wearing some of my Fall clothes. I might wait on that one since it's still in the low 80s in the South. I have worn some cardigans and low boots. Fall weather in the South is weird one day it was 69/70 and the next it's 79 degrees out.

Other than way cooler temps, I'm excited about the foods and drinks that are mainly had in cooler/some of the Fall months. Right now, I'm trying to find the Green Mountain Apple Cider K cup. The last 2 years when I've gotten them, I've had to drive to across town to find them since they are sold out at the stores near me.

 Also, since I gave up coffee at the beginning of this year (haven't had a cup since January 1st of this year), I have been drinking green and black tea as well a new drink that I've been getting at Starbuck. It's a Pumpkin Spice Creme. It's pretty much like the Pumpkin Spice coffees but replace the coffee with warm or hot milk. It's a good sub for the coffee (just watch for the sugar amount in it). The other thing that I love about Fall is all the soups I can make. Not sure why soup and chilis remind me of Fall but they do. Here a few recipes from The Pioneer Woman that I want to try making this Fall:

These are just a few of the ones I found on The Pioneer Woman's website. There are a bunch of desert recipes from there I plan on sharing soon. Some of them I've already made and they are pretty tasty. Until then, Peace & Blessings!

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