Apr 24, 2020

Thoughtful Thursday on Friday

     Wednesday & Thursday were busy for me so hence why this is going up on Friday, again. I had to take my car in to the dealership since there was a recall on the airbags. I would rather do it now knowing that there were not a large amount of people getting there care serviced. I know that things are still in this static state for most of us. Not going to lie, I never go to get into a rhythm with my days. It has been that way for a while though. 

There is not much going on except the usual: exercising, baking, cooking, writing some, & trying to read. Not sure if I am the only one but some of these books are a struggle to get through. May need to pick a new book, not sure if it is that or if I am burnt out on readying certain types of books. Here are some thoughts/quotes for today:

Since I have been cooking, baking, & doing some other things I am going to post on those. I know for sure that there will be at least one recipe a week for a while. I will also share some of the exercise clothes & products that I have been using recently from Amazon & other place. 

Peace & Blessings all, have a great weekend.

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