May 27, 2020

Recipe: Baked Chicken with sweet potatoes

     Hard to believe that today is the last Wednesday of May. Since I did not eat out that much from March-the beginning of April (like everyone else), I have been trying to find new recipes. When I went to the store the other day, I bought this seasoning packet below:

I had about two pounds of chicken breast that I used. First I brined the chicken. To brine it, I cut up the chicken, placed it in a bowl of warm water & salt for about 15 minutes. Brining the chicken makes it juicy. After that, I placed it in a greased baking dish.

After placing the chicken in the baking dish, you can brush the chicken with either melted butter or olive oil. I used melted butter. I brushed all the pieces on both sides with butter.

After brushing the chicken, I sprinkled the chicken with the seasoning on both sides. I cooked the chicken at 400 degrees for 18 minutes.

Here is the chicken after it is done. I let the chicken rest for 10 minutes before plating it.

While the chicken was brining, I cut up some sweet potatoes that I had. The smaller white ones are Japanese sweet potatoes. They are pretty much like regular sweet potatoes but they look like regular white potatoes. I placed them on parchment paper, greased the potatoes with butter & placed the potatoes baking sheet. I baked them for 30 minutes at 400 degrees. 

Here are the potatoes look like once I took them out of the oven. I let these cool for 15 minutes while the chicken cooked.

Once I, took the chicken out I placed the cleaned asparagus in the dish that I baked the chicken with the left over juice from the chicken. I sprinkled them with dash & drizzled a little olive oil on them. I cooked these at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. 

Below is the result of all that I cooked together. The chicken ended up being eaten for 3 meals & the sweet potatoes for 2. I liked the seasoning because all of the spices were in one pouch. It definitely cut back on time searching for all of these in the store.
Next, I am going to try some more recipes with my instant pot that is just hanging out on my counter. If any has some quick recipes I would love to know them. Peace & Blessings, everyone.

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