May 7, 2020

Thoughtful Thursday

     Happy Thursday!!! I have been M.I.A due to trying to read/ finish some of those classes that I signed up for back at the end of last year & beginning of this year. I am in one of those situations where I am frustrated with social media again. Actually, people who are giving out misinformation again have me frustrated again. Here are some quotes & thoughts for today:

This time of year, I always start to see "influencers" giving people misleading information about health & wellness items. I know that I should not be like that but, I think if you have a large following you should be suggesting items that have positive reviews & that you have used besides getting paid to review it. I have all my post ready for next week but I may add some of the people I follow on IG for health & wellness suggestions & advice. Just to warn everyone, most of them at DPT, RDN, & CPT meaning they know their stuff.

Anywho, here are some quotes & thoughts for this week:

Shockingly enough, I have taken a bunch of recipe pictures. Meaning for the month of May, there will be a new recipe up every week after this week. It is a mixture of meals plus snacks. Until then have a great Thursday.

Peace & Blessings, everyone!!!

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