Jul 16, 2019

Fitness Tuesday: Foam Rolling

     Since the last time that I wrote somewhat regularly in May, I have been trying out different health activities and techniques to see if they would help with some of my physical pain that I have been having. Originally, we thought that it was a side issue from my thyroid problem. Recently, we narrowed it down to a pinched nerve (not sure where thought). One thing that I started doing is foam rolling for the problem.

I have been trying to find some different ways to use my roller, which I bought at Marshall. They sell roller online and at Physical Therapy offices/facilities as well. When buying a roller make sure to get the correct length for your height. One thing I learned is that it hurts that's not a good thing. It has to do with the fascia underneath the skin. According to Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, fascia is an elastic connective tissue found throughout the body that surrounds and supports various muscles and organs. Unhealthy fascia can cause cellulite and pain among other issues. Here are a few foam roller exercises to tryout to work out any stiffness or pain in your body:

This muscle roller is the one that I bought from amazon a while back. I usually roll in the morning and before bed. Personally, I found that it has helped with the tightness in my legs. I also use a large foam roller to lay on to stretch out my back after sitting for most of the day. This roller is similar to the roller that I have (mine is a 36').

If you need more resources on fascia. Here are a few resources about fascia:

The Top 5 Ways Fascia Matters to Athletes by Brooke Thomas

Latest Wellness Trends for 2019 from Simple Roots Wellness

Feeling Achy? The Body Part You Don't Know You Have by Corrie Pikul

Gave some of these exercises a try if any of you have chance. Peace & Blessings, all. Have a Great Tuesday!!!

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