Jan 4, 2016

2016 Goals

Happy 2016  all!!! I was going to post this on the 2nd but I was recovering from the New Years Eve still and lack of sleep. Last year was kind of a mess for me resolution wise. This year I am doing a different take on it though. For me a resolution sounds like a chore, which leads to me not putting my full 110% into it. 

I have decided to say that I have goals since everything on this list is a goal that I had last year that never got completely done. Another thing that I am doing differently too is I am going to try to tackle each goal one at a time as well as putting a time line on each one. Sometimes, when I know that I  have an expended time to finish a task I am definitely tend to slack. 

Many of my goals go hand and hand with each other. I'm starting the working 4 to 5 times a week first since to me that is the easiest one to start.

Does anyone else have any goals or resolutions they are working towards this year?

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